Saying "I do" to joint insurance coverage: Nationwide survey

Happy young couple discussing with a financial agent their new investment
Couple discussing with an agent their new investment.

Shared insurance policies are becoming a symbol of commitment between couples, according to Nationwide's 2025 Renting and Thriving Flash Poll. The survey, which polled 1,000 renting couples in the United States, found that 42% of respondents see sharing an insurance policy as a commitment comparable to marriage. Almost all, 89%, said that discussing insurance is an important part of financial planning with a partner, and that asset protection, 73%, and financial savings, 69%, were the greatest reasons for sharing policies.

"Couples today are rethinking how they define commitment," said Michael Moore, Nationwide's vice president of business optimization, in the press release. "Shared insurance policies not only provide practical benefits but also symbolize a deep level of trust and collaboration. This survey highlights the need to help couples take full advantage of these opportunities."

Nationwide's data shows that almost a third, 29%, of renting couples view joint insurance policies on the same level of commitment as moving in together, and over a third, 35%, see it as a greater step than saying "I love you" or moving in together. Four in 10 respondents compared joint coverage to sharing streaming accounts or adopting a pet together.

Nationwide suggests that the survey responses indicate a growing transformation of modern relationships in financial planning and commitment, though some common misconceptions of joint policies still exist. For example, almost 20% of respondents incorrectly believe you can only drive the car in your name under a shared policy, 16% think you must be married and 17% think you must share a bank account.

"As modern relationships evolve, couples are seeking ways to merge emotional and financial commitments," said Moore in the press release statement. "A joint insurance policy represents a practical yet deeply symbolic step forward. Nationwide remains dedicated to empowering couples with the knowledge and tools they need to protect their futures while strengthening their partnerships.

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