Cincinnati Insurance Company, the commercial and personal lines P&C subsidiary of Cincinnati Financial Corporation, is preparing to open an innovation center at the University of Cincinnati next year.
The company plans to create a testing facility in their new space within the university's 1819 Innovation Hub, which will serve as a recruitment center and an engagement activity at the University to teach the noble importance of insurance to the college community.

With the vision of serving independent agents in the digitally transforming industry, Teresa Cracas, SVP and chief risk officer for Cincinnati Insurance said, "The innovation hub is a way to test ideas that help us achieve this vision and to bring the best ideas to life in our business. UC provides thought-leadership in the innovation space and connects us to talent that will be helpful to us on our innovation journey."
Cincinnati Insurance plans to work with professors at the university to teach classes on the role of insurance, provide part-time work opportunities for IT students and participate in campus activities. Through student involvement Cincinnati Insurance’s connection will improve due to more accessibility to the campus community.
John Kellington, SVP and CIO added in a statement, “Gaining access to talent – developing a platform for innovation that can be leveraged by the entire enterprise, and generating excitement among our associates and agency population around a culture of innovation are the keys to success for us.”