How annoying is insurance to consumers?

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Enrolling in insurance and choosing policies has become a necessary nuisance that many would rather avoid. 

A global survey from UserTesting of 2,000 adults in the United States revealed that customers feel overwhelmed by insurance. 

A majority of U.S. respondents would rather face other annoyances than deal with insurance. Twenty-two percent of survey respondents said that they would rather live with their parents again, and 22% also said that they would rather attend a concert of a musician that they do not like. 

Survey respondents also revealed their main challenges with insurance, with 27% noting a lack of clarity on coverage details as a struggle. However, 36% of respondents say that artificial intelligence is a helpful tool to make sense of complex insurance information.

Read more about how annoying insurance is to consumers.

What would Americans go through to not stress about insurance again? Respondents who agree
Would live with their parents again 22%
Would go to the concert of an artist they don't like 22%
Would listen to one song on repeat for an entire year 14%
Would endure endless traffic 13%
What are the main challenges insurance customers encounter?
A lack of clarity on coverage details 27%
Unnoticed premium increases 24%
Complicated claims processes 20%
Can AI solve these insurance challenges?
AI is a helpful tool to make sense of complex insurance information 36%
AI can help compare insurance plans 33%
AI can simplify insurance terms that often overwhelm the average consumer 25%
You are "open to using AI" for insurance advice in the future 38%
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38% of consumers are open to using AI for insurance advice in the future.
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25% of consumers think that AI can simplify insurance terms that are often overwhelming.
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33% of consuemrs think AI can help compare insurance plans.
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36% of consumers think AI is a helpful took to make sense of complex insurance information.
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20% of consumers encounter complicated claims processes.
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24% of consumers encounter unnoticed premium increases.
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27% of consumers ecnounter a lack of clarity on coverage details.
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13% of consumers would choose to endure endless traffic instead of stressing out about insurance.
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14% of consumers would choose to listen to one song on repeat for an entire year instead of stressing out about insurance.
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22% of consumers would choose to attend a concert of an artist that they don't like instead of stressing out about insurance.
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22% of consumers would choose live with their parents again instead of stressing out about insurance.