Why are companies outsourcing today? The simple answer: there’s a massive shortage of talent.
July 8 -
In this segment of the series, the authors examine the role M&A will play in the industry’s adoption of insurtech—and more generally, the need for established carriers to adapt to the increasingly innovative and service-based product and service offerings new entrants bring to bear.
By John RodgersNovember 23 -
Carriers, pressed by lower expense insurtech models that emphasize direct-to-consumer engagement and new, rich data sources, are beginning to encounter a bifurcation of risk and client characteristics.
August 27 -
User-friendliness and a seamless experience will go a long way toward the perception that the insurer is providing value.
By John RodgersAugust 9 -
As this happens and expense ratios are driven down, only those carriers which can fully utilize analytics and data-augmented decision making in their underwriting process will be able to price effectively in the market.
May 20 -
New technologies are expected to fundamentally change how insurance is distributed, but alongside this redefinition of roles comes an accompanying talent crisis.
By John RodgersApril 26